Art Festival 2016, Joypurhat

Event Duration :  15-17 march, 2016
Event Location :  Joypurhat


In our country, art and cultural activities are predominantly held in the capital city. So, the artists and cultural activists outside Dhaka are less privileged. Art and cultural activities can stand against any uncivilized and antisocial activities like militancy, drug addiction and unlawful activities especially among the youth playing significant roles to shape and inspire their lives in a rejuvenated way.

We formed an artist-led voluntary team that takes part in organizing art festivals nationwide by turns as social activities. We go to a district level city and involve, interact and work closely with more than 200 local school students, who are interested in art in every such festival. We do continue painting and participate in such art events taking logistic supports from local administration and various cultural organizations.

Our missions are to build culturally conscious forthcoming generations; decentralize artistic and cultural activities all across Bangladesh; creating an intimate bonding among different generations and to take urbanites to the roots to feel the taste of idyllic life.